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The Australian Government is investing $106 million to provide face-to-face support for older First Nations people and $115 million to build culturally safe aged care facilities. This funding will be delivered over four years.
In an Australian first, the Trusted Indigenous Facilitators programme will build a First Nations workforce to help individual older First Nations people, their families and carers, to access aged care services that meets their physical and cultural needs.
Minister for Aged Care Anika Wells said, “The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety recommended the Government ‘ensure that the new aged care system makes specific and adequate provision for the diverse and changing needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’ – and so we are doing just that.”
In partnership with the Australian Government, the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation will work with Aboriginal Community Controlled organisations to assist older First Nations people and their families navigate and access aged care services. A workforce of around 250 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff across Australia will provide this trusted support.
The Government has worked in partnership with local communities, Elders, stakeholders and the Aboriginal Community Controlled Sector to consult on a flexible approach to aged care services for First Nations communities, identify service gaps and understand challenges.