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Zelira Therapeutics collaborates with Parkinson's Foundation

31 January 2020 | News

This collaboration combines the Foundation's understanding of the underlying science of PD with Zelira Therapeutics' extensive experience in pharmaceutical and condition-specific medical cannabis product development

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Zelira Therapeutics Limited, PERTH, Australia is pleased to announce collaboration with the Parkinson's Foundation, one of the United States of America's leading communities for people living with Parkinson's disease (PD), to gather insights from people with PD about their understanding of and use of medical cannabis and hemp-derived therapies.

In 2019, Zelira Therapeutics participated in the Medical Cannabis Conference organized by the Parkinson's Foundation, and is now assisting in the development of a survey to understand the current use and perceived benefits of medical cannabis among people with PD. This collaboration combines the Foundation's understanding of the underlying science of Parkinson's disease and the most prevalent symptoms impacting people with the disease with Zelira Therapeutics' extensive experience in pharmaceutical and condition-specific medical cannabis product development.

As part of this collaboration, Zelira and Parkinson's Foundation will:

  • Consult on the development of a survey tool to be sent to people with Parkinson's to understand why and how they are using medical cannabis and hemp-derived CBD products currently;
  • Review the results as they relate to a future clinical trial on the safety and efficacy of medical cannabis use by people with Parkinson's disease;

Separately, Zelira will:

  • Incorporate survey insights to inform future development of clinically validated medical cannabis and hemp-derived CBD medicines for people with Parkinson's disease, and provide guidance to people with Parkinson's regarding various cannabinoid-based and hemp-derived CBD treatment alternatives.

John Lehr, President and CEO of the Parkinson's Foundation, stated that "Many people with Parkinson's disease are seeking help with their symptoms by trying various forms of medical cannabis. The volume and frequency of questions Parkinson's Foundation receive from people with Parkinson's regarding the safety and impact of medical cannabis and CBD has led us to examine this public health issue more fully, and to seek collaborations with leaders in the field from academia, government, advocacy groups and industry to provide the most accurate information possible. Zelira Therapeutics, a leader in disease-specific medical cannabis therapeutics, has committed to helping people with Parkinson's understand the role that medical cannabis might play in managing their daily symptoms."

Tom Borger, Chief Business Officer at Zelira, who participated as a thought leader in the Parkinson's Medical Cannabis Conference, observed, "The challenge for people with Parkinson's is clear, as there is a lack of definitive studies informing clinicians and patients with Parkinson's about the safety and efficacy of medical cannabis. One of the objectives of the survey and this collaboration is to provide guidance to people with Parkinson about the need for clinically validated medical marijuana and hemp-derived CBD medicines that might address their symptoms."

Osagie Imasogie, Founder and Chairman of Zelira stated that "Our Zelira Board is very supportive of this collaboration with the Parkinson's Foundation which will provide us with essential insights to inform our product development to address the specific needs of people with Parkinson's disease. This effort is consistent with our focus on patients and our desire to provide them with as many treatment options as possible."

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